Apple Watches and Bridesmaids: A Wedding Photographer’s Pet Peeve

Know, my biggest pet peeve is, tell me bridesmaids that don’t want to take off their Apple Watches. Exclusively bridesmaids. Exclusively bridesmaids. I have not run into one who like, refused. I’ve had like four, really, in the last couple years that they did. Why? Cause they want to track their steps, get the out. Yeah, they’re on a streak and they don’t want to lose their streak. Yeah. I’m like, what are we. Are you. Are we. Well, are we. Well now? Oh, my god. I just make suggestions. I’m like, alright, ladies, like, if you got a hair tie on your wrist or an Apple Watch, like, why don’t you take it off? Um, it just looks better in photos, stuff like that. Um. And usually the bride will be like, get your Apple Watches off. Yeah, you know, kind of thing. The. I’ve seen some, like, really cool Apple Watch, like. Like bands. Like bands and stuff. Like, Meredith actually had one for her sister’s wedding that it. I didn’t even notice it was an Apple Watch. It looked like you could like, turn it. It looked like jewelry. It actually looks like jewelry. Um, but, um, I’m not gonna like, pester them, but it just annoys me if they. If the bride asks them not to wear it and they’re wearing it in all the photos and then the bride asks me to photoshop it out. You’re just adding more work for me. And I don’t like you for that