Money-Saving Habits: How I Avoid Non-Refundable Bookings, Ignore Retail Emails, and Delay Decisions

here are few little things that I don’t do that I’m pretty sure has helped me save a lot of money over the years #1. I do not book non-refundable hotel rooms under any circumstance now I completely understand why someone might do this because when you’re looking at hotel rooms and you compare options the one where you pay now and is non refundable is usually cheaper but it’s not that much cheaper and I know from experience that things can and will happen at the last minute and I don’t wanna take that chance #2. I do not open retail emails unless I am actively looking for something when you get those offers in your email for 40% off or 50% off or a buy one get one sale more times than not even if you are not on the hunt for something those offers are very enticing I do have a separate email address for those offers so I can avoid temptation but for the few that might slip through to my main email I’m immediately deleting them and the third thing that I do is #3. I rarely will give people an (immediate) answer when they ask me if I wanna do something it doesn’t matter what it is it could be going out to eat it can be going to a concert it can be a jewelry party I will always let the person know let me get back to you