Unlocking the Secrets: Removing Paper from a Watercolor Pad

The great thing about a watercolor block or pad is that all four sides are glued down so the paper doesn’t warp when painting. But so many of you ask how you get the paper out of the watercolor pad if it’s glued down on all four sides. It’s here in this corner. See that? No glue. Now, before I show you how to get the paper out, I’m not gonna waste the paper that the fine people of Etcher Labs sent me, so I’ll just do a quick sketch of Kim Laksler from Better Call Saul. Look, the paper is soaked, but it’s staying perfectly flat because glue. This. It’s a really quick doodle, but it’s got colored pencils, watercolors, and gouache, and I threw a lot of water on it, and the paper held up really well. Kudos to edger for the quality paper, even though it’s clearly not hot press. Now that the sketch is done, let’s go to our little unglued corner. Grab a palette knife, or if you don’t have one, a butter knife or a letter opener will work just fine. And here’s the fun part. I don’t know why this is so satisfying, but it is. Okay, maybe it’s a tactile thing or ASMR. Or maybe it just subconsciously means that the painting is done. And look. Next page is ready to be painted. See, I hope that answers your questions on how to remove a paper from watercolor block. Next time you’re Having trouble with your art. Need help fast? Better call me. I guess Saul’s not gonna be much help. Neither will Kim.