Blonde Moment: Trying to Spell Water with 2 Letters

Oh, my god, that sun is so bright. Hey. Aah! Oh, my god! Oh, shit. Could you say three, two, one? Three, two, one. I’m starting. Oh, my god. Ow! That hurt my throat. Uh, you screamed. It hurt my ear. I was just gonna say it hurt your ears. Okay, sorry. You scare the shit out of me all the time. Hey, babe, stop it. I’m awake now. What? How do you spell water using only two letters? I when it be H2O. But that’s three letters. What do you mean? How do you spell water with only two letters? How do you spell water? The only way I know how to do water is water. W A T E R, or H2O. But that’s three letters. Is it? So was it W R, an abbreviation? Two letters. W R. No, you had it. You were. You. You had it. You’re on it. No, cause H2O is three letters. It can’t be H2O. And water is 5 letters. W A T E R. Why you giving me a funny look? Did you just make a funny look at the camera? I did. Cause you said H2O is three letters. It is H2O. Yep. You consider that three letters 3, right? H2O, that’s three letters. Yes. H2O is three letters. Yes. Water, isn’t it? Okay, am I wrong? Water, scientifically, in the was elemental turn or whatever it is, is H2O. Yes, that’s three letters. And you said use. Okay, If I’m wrong, didn’t you say to spell water in two letters? Yes. You can’t unless you WR every doing abbreviations. H2O is the correct answer. That’s three letters. H2O is three letters? Yes. The No. 2 is a letter. No. Damn it! So easy answer. H2O. H2O. It’s two letters cause 2 is a number. So it’s two letters and one number. Damn it. I’m really letting the blonde show this one. But you had the right answer. H2O, but you didn’t believe. You’re in yourself. I’m an idiot. No you’re not. Yes I am. How do you make an idiot say who? Who? Haha. I don’t know where he. I guess so I would be turn him into an owl I guess. Okay. H2O2 letters