Title: A Chef’s Fiery Reprimand: Wake Up and Get Your Act Together

You need to tell me off. I want you to put me in my place. Uh, you’re gonna tell me off. You’re gonna absolutely give it to me, because I need to know I’ve got a commanding voice running the hot plate tonight. Give it to me. Hey, chef. It’s so weird. What? I just yell at you? Tell me off. What are you nervous about? I’m sorry. No, no, no. I’m sorry, okay? I can do it. I can do it. Can you get your shit together, please? What the fuck are you doing? You literally just. The whole line. You’re out of here if you cannot pick this up. Do you not realize what you just gave to me? That’s whore! Wake the fuck up! Wake up! Get your head in the game! Wake up! Get your shit together, give me your Jack, and get the fuck out of my kitchen. You’re ruining my name. What the fuck was that?