Challenging the Narrative: Why College Doesn’t Have to Be the Best Four Years of Your Life

Would you consider college to be the best four years of your life? I had a friend come to me yesterday super anxious for the start of this year because he’s got a huge course load, but he also doesn’t want this year just to fly by and miss out on his senior year. And one of his biggest concerns was that everybody talks about how college is supposed to be the best four years of your life, and that hasn’t been the case for him. And that really got me thinking, like, that’s depressing. I don’t want this to be the best four years of my life, cause what’s the point of living after it? It’s almost over. So with this being the case, I’m making the executive decision that this is not gonna be the best four years of my life. Still need to give myself something to look forward to after. But what I will say is the relationships that I’m going to build this year are going to form the next best years of my life.