The Art of Insulting with Creativity: A Deep Dive into Witty Critiques and Sarcastic Observations

Creative ways to say. What’s wrong with you? Were you brainwashed with bleach? What is the origin of your ignorance? Who disturbed your evolution? You are a scam artist. Stream. When you think, where do the thoughts go? I feel like you’re often told I told you so. You are a reminder to read. Are you allergic to logic? Where did you learn that manners didn’t matter? How long does it take you to decide on the wrong decision? You are impressively imprecise. When did the dumb overcome you? So think for yourself is a saying for smart people. You are the ideal candidate for propaganda. Do you understand that having ideas doesn’t mean you should keep them? Do you take pride in the craft of making mistakes? If I could blame someone else for you, they’d probably be in prison.