Unveiling the Mystery: The 1992 Watch that Defies Cartier Comparisons

Most recent one at auction sold for 21,000. This is exactly the same size as the Cartier Pebble and has the display of a tonneau guiche. But it’s a bastard because it’s neither of those watches, nor is it a Cartier. It’s a. Show me. Wait. Show me real quick. Show me right now. Show me the money. It’s a watch created in 1992. Yes, and that’s not us being knowledgeable. It’s just written on the original advertisement. Okay, so what are these sell for? They used to be around 5K watches, and then. Most recent one at auction sold for 21,000. And therefore everybody has increased their prices now. A scratch magnet, huh? Oh, yes. I didn’t polish it. It’s very cool. It’s a mix between a Cartier Pebble and a tank a guiche. For less than both of them. Far less than both of them. What do you think, Kaiser? I was gonna bid on it at auction. It went to five. I was like, oh, that’s too much money for that watch. That’s before endless bag syndrome really took hold. That’s right. It’s a cool watch. You should buy it. Phil, what do you think? Let me ask my wife. Oh, yeah, we know what that means. Let me ask my wife. Let me get back to you.