Backstage Drama: Notes, Distractions, and Crystal Balls

Alright, we’re gonna get started. So everyone please listen up. No phones, right? No phones right now, okay? Oh, I would listen. I would listen to the director when he’s talking. This one’s for you. This one’s for you. Write it down. Pencil or pen? This is a pen. Notes are in pencil, right? So we can erase. Okay. Just want to check he didn’t catch that. I caught it. But you didn’t write it down. It’s not just to say he didn’t write it down. You three were a little late coming in at the start of Act two. Yeah, no worries. No, that’s not right. Well, you got that wrong. What’s the next note did you want? I’m just worried about time management. I have to leave right at 6. That’s fair. So can we save. Yes, yes. Just gonna save the questions for the end. So no worries. Don’t waste. Where? I mean started doing it. I was center stage. No, they changed it. Worry about your tracks. Just worry about your tracks. Did you ask him about the traffic pattern? There’s um, a bit of a traffic issue on. So. So. No, no. So what’s happening is he’s having a problem. You’re following me. Like breathing down my neck as he enters. Cause I was with the cost. Well, every day there’s an. Every day there’s a new reason. So I just feel like we have to run it or else it’s never gonna Be figured out. It’s actually a safety issues. Actually. Like it’s actually. It’s actually a safety. No, it’s fine. I’ll get hit and I’ll be late and it’s fine. I need someone to move down center. Let’s go with Tyler. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I have a quick question about the Crystal Bowl prop, cause we have to work on it. When will we be done? Today? Um, Tyler, you were saying? If it’s real Crystal, I’d love to work on it. Same. Cause I do I toss it to him earlier? I can’t even. Sorry, I can’t follow what’s happening because you guys are talking over each other, so I’m sure he can’t either. No, no, I got what you guys are saying. They have a question about the crystal ball and you guys can talk about it after ourselves. It’s like I’m getting yelled at and he’s still on his phone.