Enhancing Memory with Smart Glasses: Part 2 – The Evolution Continues

I’m creating glasses that give you superhuman memory. And this is part 2. So, good news. Our last video got over 69 million views, which means it’s time to upgrade our smart glasses. Now, this little camera records what you’re doing every five minutes instead of 15, allowing my AI to build an even more detailed timeline of your entire life, including every time you go to the bathroom. So now I can ask my AI something like, what’s the best bathroom I ever used? And it’s gonna go look through all of my memories and give me an answer. That was a truly good bathroom. But all these extra photos are destroying my glasses batteries. And that is why we have this clown nose. This nose is a portable charger with a battery hidden inside, allowing you to keep your battery charged. So you can give me your data for the rest of your life. But let’s be honest, using an AI on a browser is pretty freaking boring. So what if we made it so you could browse through your memories using the screen on your face, kind of like you do in that show Orange Mirror? So follow me for part 3, because.