DC Grid Challenge: Rolling Characters into Teams – Day 9 Recap

What’s up, guys? Welcome back to day 9 of trying to beat this DC grid. As y’all know, all the categories are teams. You have to roll a character to be a part of that team to fill the slot. Let me run through them real quick. Legion of Doom, Justice Society of America, outsiders, Justice League, Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey, Teen Titans, Young Justice, and Justice League Dark. After yesterday, I don’t know if I’m feeling it, but let. Let’s see. Three skips. Alright, let’s do this. I am not feeling it today. Deathstroke. We’re gonna go Suicide Squad. He’s a part of the new Suicide Squad in the New 52. Great series. Y’all go check it out. Up next, we have Doctor Fate. We’re gonna go JSA. Oh, wait, we’re just like, dark. Hmm. We’re gonna take Justice League Dark. There are way more characters on here that have been on the JSA than they’ve been on the Justice League Dark, so we’ll take that. I’ve got Zod. I guess we’ll go Legion of doom. I believe we’ve rolled Zod a total of one time ever. So that was. That was an insane pool. Spectre. We’re gonna take JSA. All right, I’m still worried about that. Teen Titans, Young Justice, Birds of prey, and outsiders. But we got the Justice League, Catwoman. Um. Oh, oh, birds of prey. Or else I’m gonna go birds of prey. Honestly don’t remember if she’s on the outsiders or not, so. We’re just gonna. We’re gonna do birds of prey. Um, we got triagon. That’s gonna be our first skip. One skip down, two left, and we’ve got four slots. We’ve got Batman. We’re gonna go outsiders. All right, come on. We need Justice League, which should be easy. And then we need Teen Titans and Young Justice. Got plastic band. We’re gonna have to go Justice League. We have two skips to roll. A Teen Titan and a Young Justice member. That’s not good. Got question. Let’s mirror second skip. Two skips down, one to go. It’s not looking great. We’ve got. Got a reroll on Batman. We already used him. Come on. It’s an estro’s mere third skip. Might be. Come back for Day 10, guys. Y’all coming back for Day 10, guys? We tried.