Mastering the New Claymore Changes: Strategies for Countering Instant Detonation

With the new Claymore changes, apparently you cannot bait them out anymore and they instantly go off. We’re gonna test out a ton of different ways to try and counter that. Let’s get into this. Alright, so I do wanna see if this got buffed. So in case you guys don’t know, a much better way to hide your claymore would be to place it this way. So that way only one line is showing and they won’t see it as much as you can see from this side. The defender might not even see the actual laser. Like, it’s very hard to see. So in the live build, you can orgz dash through a claymore depending on how many lasers are there. So let’s see if we can still do it. No. Okay, so. So you can not run through the claymore anymore. Not even in the slightest? Not even if it’s one laser? That’s crazy. Now let’s try it with an otter shield. Right now on the live build, you are able to essentially place a Claymore behind an Oscar shield and you can sprint through it. So now can you not do that anymore? Let’s see. I’ll. I’ll get as close as I possibly can to it to really try and give him the benefit of the doubt. Let’s see, can he or stash through it? No. Okay, this means they buffed Claymore’s a lot. This is a very, very good buff. Now I’m gonna explain why This now means that when, like for the new season, whenever you are playing, always try and place your claymore to where there’s only one laser showing. Cause the benefits of this is that it’s harder for them to see, even like two of them. Like look from here, they can just see that, right? And even with the light, they can barely see the laser. So whenever you are placing down claymores for the new season, always place them down with one laser. Look at how hard that is to see just with just the one laser. And it’s like it’s right there. Cause now they can’t fake them out anymore. They cannot fake out any claymores. So always place them to where there’s only one laser showing. So it’s harder for them to see, it’s harder for them to shoot. And you will be chilling. But let me know what you guys think. What do you think about this new Claymore change? This is a huge buff. No troll