Unpacking Disney’s Recent Choices: The Snow White Controversy

this is probably gonna offend a lot of Disney lovers but come on Disney you guys are not doing my girl Rachel Zegler any justice with this trend weren’t the original seven dwarfs supposed to be people and then they were people but they were average size so y’all made the decision to CGI them that’s just one thing about this movie that I don’t understand second of all the dress I could literally go to Party City for Halloween and find a better dress than this and when you compare to what Disney can do with their full potential and it turns out something beautiful like this just makes it more confusing to why they made Snow White dress so fugly and Snow White supposed to be like beautiful and young and I don’t mean that Rachel Zegler isn’t beautiful or young because she literally is gorgeous but they did not do my girl Snow White justice with that that Bob look how beautiful they made Cinderella the butterfly details come on are you kidding they made Lily James look like look so good and then oh oh oh the Evil Queen does not look realistic at all this is just one of those movies where I wish Disney won’t mess it up I know how it hasn’t like dropped yet released but I’m..it’s just such a classic that I really hope that it doesn’t look like the trailer I hope it’s better than what they’re presenting right now