Weekly Spending Recap and Money Management Update

it’s Money Monday so here’s how much money I spent last week on Monday I spent thirty four dollars and seventy three cents this was just on take out essentially and then on Tuesday and Wednesday I didn’t spend any money on Thursday I spent a hundred and thirty three dollars and two cents and then on Friday I spent nothing and then on Saturday I spent twenty seven dollars and twenty five cents I’m pretty sure this was just like Taco Bell and then Sunday I I spent I spent two hundred and fourteen dollars and forty one cents because I did go to Marshalls and I spent more than I should have I spent more than I should have but it’s fine moving on we’re not letting it spiral us it is what it is in total I spent four hundred and nine dollars and forty one cents which is the most amount of money that I spent in a week in the last like two months now another news the Cube Money app that I used to like organize all of my money did undergo an update and while I am terrified of change on usual occasions I actually think I like this better this is what the homepage looked like before the update okay get a good luck and this is what it looks like now which I think is a lot nicer I don’t know it just looks so clean all of the money that I spend comes from the spending cube because these are the cubes that are connected to the debit card going into this week I have $144 set aside for food $202 for transportation 25 cents for shopping because I drained that last week and then $104 for health which pretty much just stays the same um food transportation and shopping I give myself a weekly allowance for those so every single Monday I get like X amount of dollars put into each of those categories health just kinda stays the same and I transfer money into there like as needed kind of randomly don’t anticipate any out of the ordinary spending happening this week I might go to the mall with my sister in law on the weekend just to like celebrate her and my brother moving to Texas which is very upsetting and I do think that that is a potential danger for me to completely lose my mind at the mall so I’m I’m a little bit on the fence about that oh but you know we’ll see