The Heartwarming Tale of Scout: From Stray to Resident Dog of a Nursing Home

After escaping from a shelter three times and going straight to a nursing home, this dog in Michigan was finally adopted by the place he chose as his home. He’s now such a beloved resident of Meadow Brook Medical Care Facility that he even won an award for resident of the month. Scout was originally picked up as a stray, and once he arrived at the shelter, it quickly became clear that he was an escape artist. One of his first nights, he managed to escape, filling multiple tall fences in the process, and he made his way about a quarter mile down the street to the nursing home. He strolled right in through the automatic doors and made himself comfortable on the couch in their lobby. A nurse found him and he was brought back to the shelter. But the next night, the exact same thing happened and scout cozied up again on the same couch. A few nights later, it happened for a third time. At this point, an administrator decided that it was just meant to be, and they officially adopted him as their resident dog. Recently, Scout helped welcome the facility’s second four legged resident, a rescued cat named Willow. Together, Scout and Willow give the residents, many of whom have had to leave pets behind, a sense of comfort and the feeling of truly being home. I’m Jen and I post something positive every day.