From Cramps to Cries: My Firstborn’s Beautiful Birth Story

Hi guys. Another day, another. Get ready with me. I’m gonna get ready for today while I tell you guys my birth story. So I got pregnant right after I got married at 21 year old with my first born daughter. Right now they’re both playing in the living room. I could see them, so no worries. And. Oops. And I gave birth to her when I was 39 weeks and five days. Um, when you’re pregnant, you will always get unsolicited advice from older people saying, oh, they take too long. And the first one. But some of them will be like, oh, you know, you need to do it natural. And all this like, usually doesn’t affect me. Cause you know, some old people, sometimes it’s their tradition and that’s just the way they see the world. So I don’t take it as offensive. And so when I gave it to my daughter, I woke up one evening and I needed to pee. So I got up three in the morning and I was feeling this pain. You know when you’re about to start your period? That’s how I was feeling like, but I ignored it cause I’m just like maybe one of those little cramps or whatever. And then my husband left for work at six in the morning and then I woke up at eight in the morning and I was still feeling the cramp. So I’m just like, hmm, that’s weird, but I have an Appointment at two in the afternoon. So I’m just gonna wait. The cramp won’t go away. And then it was 9:30 in the morning and I went pee again. And then I had my mucus plug. Like, it literally came out. Like, it feels like a big, big, big clot of blood when you’re on your period. And I’m just like, um, what is this? So I texted my doctor. She had. She like, you know, she’s probably busy. She won’t text me back. So I was telling my mom, and that day, and my mom and dad had a feeling it was July 13. My mom and dad had a feeling I’m giving birth way earlier than July 15. So they already booked the flight, so they were already like, about to fly here two days before my due date. And then I was telling her, I’m like, mom, like, what is this? And then she was like, oh, my gosh, I think I’m about. You’re about to give birth. And then she was like, my mom is like, exaggerating when it comes to things. Like, she’s so panicky. She’s like, you know, take your breath. Like, you know, just calm down. Wait for me till I get there before you give birth. I’m almost there. They’re from Florida, so it’s like a two hour flight. And then I texted my mother in law and I’m just like, like, you know, when you’re so panicking, like, you, you, you, Need all the advice you can get. I texted my mother in law, she was calling me. She said, oh my gosh, you’re about to give birth. And then, you know, just keep me updated because my husband was at work. And I texted my husband and he was like, oh shit, oh shit. Like, you know, I’m gonna get off of work. So he drove so fast to get back. And I was like, right now I’m feeling okay. Like it’s every 10 minutes at that point. So I’m like, I was still doing fine. And then time flies. I was facetiming my grandma in Philippines. She said, you know, just eat a lot, cause once you’re in the hospital, they won’t let you eat. So I was taking all her advice. And then my mom and dad landed in in Texas. So my husband has to drive an hour away to pick them up. And then he was like, are you gonna be okay? And my parents, they always plan ahead. They’re like, we’re just gonna rent a car. And we’re like me and my husband was like, well, we don’t want you guys renting a car because it’s just freaking expensive when we have two cars. And we can literally pick you guys just up. And then I’ll just gonna go by myself to my appointment at 2 p m. And then they were like, are you sure? I’m like, yeah, I think right now I’m fine. So my husband went and pick them up, so it’s like an hour drive there and an hour back, so they’re gonna take a while. And I had to go to my appointment at 2. And I started telling my doctor, like, hey, I’ve been having this pain, like. And they always think pregnant woman always exaggerate, so they don’t react as much. And I was like. She was like, oh, yeah, we’re gonna check you. And then they checked me, like, my cervix and everything, and they said, oh, you’re two centimeter dilated. You might give birth today. And I’m just like, today? And then she was like, just keep, you know, tracking your, your labor pains, your contraction, and whenever they’re getting close together, you’re gonna go, you’re gonna go. Cause my appointment was on base, which is five minutes away, but then I wanted to give birth like, 40 minutes away, the hospital that I was working at. And so I got home and I was telling everybody, like, gosh, like, I’m gonna give birth today. And then my mom and dad got home, they were asking, what do you guys wanna eat for dinner? We were eating dinner at, like, 4 or 5 in the afternoon. We got Boba, cause that’s what I wanted while having contraction. Everything was packed right ahead, so I didn’t have to worry on any of any of that. And then I was getting Boba, and then it was seven at Eight PM, where we were just sitting down and I was tracking my contraction, and they were getting closer and closer, like, I’ll say every two minutes. At this point, I would, like, grip my husband every time it comes, because, like, it was getting so painful. I was like, yeah, I’m gonna take a shower, and we’re gonna go. Right after that, I was taking a shower. Like, it was taking me a while, cause every time I try to move, it goes, like, I cannot shower at all. So I just did a quick shower, and I was gripping the curtains, and I was like, yelling for my husband. I was like, we gotta go, we gotta go! I cannot take it anymore. So they pack everything. And then he was driving, like, he was driving so fast cause we were like 30 minutes away, 30, 40 minutes away from the hospital, and every time there’s like, a bump, like, it goes. Like, I was just gripping him and everything. It was the most painful shit I ever experienced in my life. And then we got to the. We got to the, um O B G Y N. And they’re like, oh, we’re gonna wait for a bed, because there’s literally, like, two women in line, like, you know, about to give birth to. And I was like, okay. And then my contraction started, like, becoming, like a minute apart. Like, I was literally screaming every mean minute. Like the woman that’s ahead of me, like, they can take the pain well, cause, like, her water literally broke over there, and she wasn’t like, screaming or nothing. With me, on the other hand, period pains already make me cry. Imagine contraction pains. Well, they find me a bed and they asked me, do you want epidural? I was screaming like, give me that shit. And then right after they gave me the epidural, um, my husband was there to help me, so it was all fine. Once I got the epidural, I knocked out. Cause they tried IV first and it wasn’t working for me. It just made me so sleepy that I was like, so drowsy. But every time the pain comes, I still feel it so much. I told them, like, you know, just shut my back when epidural. And I was 5 centimeter at that point. And then they’re like, okay, I’ll take a little while for you to be 10 centimeters, and then, you know, we’re gonna get ready for you to give birth. So they were asking me with. With all these paperwork and everything. They’re like, oh, do you want to tie your tubes? I’m like, yes, get rid of it. Get rid of it. And then they were like, oh, your drugs right now you’re on drug. We won’t take your word. Whatever. And you’re too young. I’m like, then why ask me then? Okay. So after like 30 minutes of The epidural, maybe an hour, they check me again and my water broke already. I didn’t even feel it because I was just eating and sleeping the whole time while eating, like, freaking broth and, um, those crackers. And then they’re like, oh, you’re ready in 10 cm. I push for five minutes. My daughter came and she was 6 pounds. And it was an easy process, like me like, pushing and everything, cause my mom always told me, push like, you have a constipation. And it was on the back of my head. So I did it and she gained six pounds. And that’s my birth story for my first born. It was. It was. I love the experience. Not the pain, but the experience. It was like, when I saw her, me and my husband was both bawling out. Well, not. He was not bawling out. I was bawling out because it was just a precious thing, like. Like now I have to take her home, you know, like, what I’m gonna do with a baby. I never held held a baby before, but once you’re a mom, like, it kind of like god just give you that power and then, now you already know what to do and everything. Now I have 202 and doing it like a pro. Thanks, guy.