From Dallas to Nice: A Travel Odyssey Through Flight Delays and Delicious Food

my journey started off in Dallas Texas and we are heading to Nice, France I checked my bags and made it through security super quick and hopped on the Skylink to go to the Capital One Lounge and this is when my travel plans took a turn for the worst I was supposed to fly from Dallas to Philadelphia at twelve PM and then Philly to Nice, France that night but I got a notification that my flight to Philly had been canceled I ran over to customer service to get everything sorted out this is me explaining the situation originally American had booked me on a new route that had another connecting flight and it was just not a good option so I was working with the rep to find another route and American did have another flight from Dallas to Philly at three PM but he told me it was fully booked then I was maybe gonna fly to Ireland but somehow he was able to get me on three PM flight I’m seriously so lucky and thankful that I was on this flight because y’all there were over 40 people on standby after everything was sorted out I finally headed over to the Capital One Lounge for the very first time and everything was so nice the food was delicious I got some soup Mac and cheese a little acai yogurt bowl honestly the flight cancellation was a blessing in disguise because I got to stay in the Capital One Lounge for several hours instead of just waiting at the Philadelphia airport so I boarded the three PM flight and this just might have been the hottest plane I’ve ever been on here I am saying that I am typically a person that is always cold so for me to be hot it’s says a lot but regardless I was just thankful to be here this is about three and a half hour ride then I landed in Philadelphia and had about two hours until my international flight first order of business after landing was going to the bathroom to freshen up a little bit after sweating on that flight I was having some issues here with my deodorant as you can see even though it was brand new anyways after that I was on the hunt for some dinner and we ended up deciding on this mushroom pizza got a water for the flight and then this is when my flight got delayed a couple more times and I found out that they changed the aircraft that we were gonna be on I paid for a back row seat and that is not what I ended up with but again I was just happy to be here after my cancellation earlier I took some melatonin since this was an overnight flight I skipped the dinner meal and put on some relaxing music to help me fall asleep I did some mid flight check ins when I went to the bathroom and honestly it was a really great flight I got a good amount of sleep thanks to my inflatable travel pillow and then we landed in the south of France I am so excited to be here I’m actually meeting up with my best friend Zoe and this was her plane pulling in I went through customs and got my luggage found Zoe I don’t have much more footage cause I was feeling the jet lag but we made it to our hotel