Unnecessary Drama: Reflections on Mental Health Support and Manipulation in Reality TV Crisis Expert Episode

They sure did show that mental health consultant for one episode. One episode. Where is he? Have the girls been getting their mental health time? I know obviously they’re not going to devote that much screen time, but I’m just wondering, like, is he the only person that you guys brought in? And in all seriousness, I’m on Episode 7. Episode 7, check in. They’re talking about creating tension and stirring up drama, specifically in the group. Because they needed drama, in their words. Because this is a survival show, mind you, these are children, okay? Vulnerable and impressionable children who do not have their frontal lobes completely formed and are still learning their identity and self confidence. So your sentiment, you know, we want. We needed to up the ante. Hindsight. I understand why many of the girls were hurt. That doesn’t change what you did. That doesn’t change what you guys did. You. That. That. That was not necessary. I’m just gonna say it. That was not necessary. I didn’t need this. I didn’t need this. I was in. It was already dramatic enough. Because they’re competing for a five person group. Just one of them. Okay? So.