Five Steps to Kickstart Your Photography Journey: Everything You Need to Become a Photographer by 2024

let’s talk about five different ways of how you can become a photographer by the end of 2024 step number one is going to be to do your research first you wanna do research on different types of photography and what interests you the most so you can kind of niche down in the beginning and then number two is you’re gonna wanna do research on camera bodies as well as camera lenses I always get so many questions on the camera I use and the camera I use as a Canon R6 Mark 2 this is a mirrorless camera and the lenses I typically choose between are my 50 millimeter or 85 millimeter and then step number two after you’ve done research is going to be to invest in some equipment and gear so the main thing you’re gonna Wanna purchase in the beginning is a camera a lens and then also a laptop or computer to edit on if you already have a laptop and computer that’s compatible with Adobe then you’re all set then all you need is your camera and lens um my favorite cameras to use for photography are mirrorless cameras and I found that the Canon R6 works perfect for what I do I shoot mostly couples families military homecomings as well as weddings and this camera is just super versatile super good quality and I love anything that Cannon makes number three is you’re gonna Wanna reach out to your community to family to friends to other photographers and ask them to model for you for your portfolio and Instagram there’s a great way to practice your settings that you’ve Learned and also experiment with lighting and clients of different ages and types also I really recommend looking up Facebook groups in your areas for photographers um I can list some I recommend up here that I’m a part of and these are just great groups if you ever have questions on anything if you ever have a client scenario you need help on or anything like that so I definitely recommend networking that’s huge and also at the same time you kind of want to start an Instagram that way you can put your photos that you’ve taken and worked on and that way when people book you in the future they can see your work right there clear as day in addition to offering free model calls I also recommend reaching out to local more established photographers in your area via Instagram or Facebook and ask if you can second or third chew for them or even assist them on a wedding day a style chew or a session I got into shooting weddings by starting at second shooting and I still second shoot to this day it is so much fun and I and I’ve made so many local colleagues and friends that way as well and it’s a great way to not only build your business but also get involved in your community No.4 is going to be thinking about creating a website if you’ve already created your Instagram that’s a great first start but ultimately you do want a website where people can see your work see your packages and just learn more about you and what you have to offer No. 5 is going to be investing in a CRM system so you can collect client payments emails inquiries send out invoices and contracts the CRM system I use is honey buck and I love it it can be a bit pricey but it is a one stop shop for all of your CRM need and I love it it keeps me super organized and it just makes it so easy to send out contracts emails and everything to multiple clients at once okay those are the five things you need to become a photographer in six months or by the end of 2024 which is crazy to even say please let me know in the comments where you are in your photography journey I’d love to know and let me know if you guys have any questions as always feel free to send me a DM my DMs are always open for questions so good luck guys and I hope to see you killing it in the near future