Navigating Finances: Common Problems and Advice for Couples in Building a Shared Vision of a Rich Life

I’ve thought for a long time, or I think there’s evidence, that the biggest cause of marital agita angst is actually rooted in finances. Yeah. You work with a lot of couples to help them manage their finances. What are the most common financial problems you encounter with couples? And what advice would you have for young couples starting out in terms of their approach to money and how it foots to their relationship? When I speak to couples on my podcast, the most common problem is that they simply have no shared vision of a rich life. And so what you see is this very peculiar set of behaviors that emerges and calcifies over 30 years. It’s one person arguing with the other. I can’t believe you spent this much at target. It’s even become a punchline. You look at these reels on social media. I went into target to spend 50 bucks. I walked out with 3 hundred dollars. Hee Hee Hee Hee. That’s not funny. That actually is not funny. It actually is playing small, because if you are fixated on a 50 dollar purchase at the grocery store or target, you are missing out on what a truly rich life is. So that’s number one is no shared vision. They never actually sat down and had a conversation about what does money mean to us? What is our ideal vision of a rich life, and how do we use money to live it?