City Magic and Love: A Review of ‘The 7 Years’ by Ashley Poston

picture this you’re in New York City you’re sat in your apartment looking out the window into the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple you got a freshly baked lemon meringue pie made by your sexy chef of a man there’s grief there’s sadness but loads of love the 7 years sit by Ashley Poston slay from the first page of this book I fell in love this book is set in New York City I have a crazy obsession with New York City like no other never been before but it is literally a dream of mine to go we are following the story of Clementine who is the main female character and the story is told from first person perspective listen she goes home to her aunt’s apartment to find a man a stranger standing in the kitchen that is going to get anyone hooked Clementine lives in her aunt’s apartment her aunt’s magical apartment because this isn’t just a romance novel this has magic in this book we have romance and we have magic and they’re messed together so beautifully so well done Ashley my love you deserve a big front round of applause because this book was so good I loved both of these main characters we’ve got Clementine and we’ve got Ewen I loved what they brought to this book whilst I was scrolling on book talk about this book people were posting aesthetics to convince you to read this book however no one mentioned that this book has a lot of grief in it and it’s quite heavy throughout the book the first part of it was a little bit slow but once it got to the good stuff honey it got to the good stuff and it delivers I really enjoys it it gave me that warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach it has me screaming had me smiling from ear to ear if you read this book I hope you can appreciate Zed’s top too much Zed book I don’t know what’s going on