The Mustard Encounter: A Tale of Spaghetti, Cousins, and Unexpected Connections

GUEST: And, can you bring me some mustard on the side? ME: …with the spaghetti?? 👀 GUEST: Yes, please. ME: um…..ok GUEST: You remind me so much of my cousin!!! ME: Oh really? ME: What are they like? GUEST: he’s very creative GUEST: he’s fashionable GUEST: he’s super confident GUEST: he’s a dancer…he loves theater! GUEST: he loves to sing ME: hmm…fascinating ME: Does he happen to be a friend of Dorothy, too? GUEST: uh, who—who’s— GUEST: —who’s that?! ME: Never mind! I’ll just go get the mustard… GUEST: I actually think y’all would be so cute together ME: Well you also ‘think’ you need mustard with spaghetti ME: …so,I don’t really know about that GUEST: Oh stop it! Let me get your number