Pitching Superproducer dot AI: Revolutionizing Podcast Creation with AI Automation

This founder is trying to convince this investor to take a follow up meeting and invest $100,000 in his business. You have 60 seconds. You ready to do it? Let’s do it. What’s the name of your business? Superproducer dot AI. And what is your business in one sentence? We’re trying to create a platform that allows creators to go from idea or a prompt to a fully produced podcast in less than five minutes. Think of us as the midjourney or Dolly for podcasting. And what’s the problem you’re solving? The problem is that listeners expect always on episodes, but it takes around four hours to create a 30 minute episode for a podcast. And what’s your specific solution? Our solution uses AI to automate the scripting, the recording and the editing of the podcast. Whatever you don’t want to do, we can do for you. How do you make money? We make money through a thirty dollar subscription fee for uh, people to use our product and also through licensing through uh, podcasting platforms. How much will you do in revenue this year? We’re pretty early on. We just launched about two weeks ago. But we’re projected to do around ten thousand dollars in letters of intent sign this year. If Vinny was to invest a hundred thousand dollars in your business, how would you spend it? We would spend it on two things. One, we want to perform a lot of customer outreach and get as much Feedback as possible. And two, with that feedback, we want to build out our podcasting engine as fast as possible. It is time. Vinny, is this a go or a no go? For me, it’s a no go. That said, I think this is a very good idea, where we’re seeing a ton of innovation. Now, my issue is, I think the market is okay in size, and I think the level of innovation is massive. And markets like that scare me. I like markets that are big in size with tiny amounts of innovation, or medium in size with no innovation. Exciting space, but a no go.