Title: Earn What You Deserve: A No-Nonsense Message on Hard Work and Greatness

I wanna send a fucking message to anybody that looks like me. You don’t deserve anything. This idea you walk around with that you deserve certain things. You don’t deserve a single fucking thing. Your parents, our parents, who came here literally with six fucking dollars. Didn’t get here because they thought anybody owed them dick. They came over here because they worked. Because they were the best of the fucking best. That’s how they got here. Then they came here with six fucking bucks in a country where a language they didn’t understand, in a culture they didn’t understand, and they built from fucking nothing. Because they knew. I don’t deserve shit. I get what I earn. I eat what I kill. How the fuck we lost that so quickly disgusts me. And we need to cut that shit the fuck out. You don’t deserve shit. Go get it. Go be great like your fucking parents. Who are hopefully still walking around and looking at you every day. That’s all I need to say.