Navigating the Purchase of a Moser Tourbillon Watch: A Story of Negotiation and Resolution

I sold this watch to a dealer and once he got it he decided he doesn’t want to pay for it. Alright, so a customer offered me this Moser tourbillon with a Falcon Eye Stone Dial. It’s an epic watch, but it’s definitely a hard watch to sell. And the price he was offering it to me at, I didn’t feel 100% confident. And so basically he offered it to me for $35,000 and the retail price of the watch is around 75,000. So it’s not a bad price off the bat. I didn’t feel 100% confident in it, so I reached out to a fellow dealer who I knows likes these kind of watches and wanted to see if I could pre sell it to him. So I messaged him. Let’s pull up the messages. You always gotta leave yourself a little negotiation room. So I said any interest in this? Around 39,000 customers offering it to me and I sent him a link to the website of the product. Basically when I send him the link of this product, Mouser changed the preview thumbnail on any single link you send from their website. So no matter what link you send from mouser com, they put this streamliner skeleton as the thumbnail photo. Alright, but what I actually sent him was the link to the product, which is the endeavor Tourbillon Falcon Eye. So he gives me a call, says that he’s interested, and gives me a number that He’s willing to buy it at. Alright, so I take that number and I bring it to my client and we end up closing out a deal. I invoice the dealer with the exact watch that he’s buying the price. Few days later, he gets it and he calls me and he says, hey, I got the watch, but small problem. It’s not a Mouser streamliner skeleton. That was the bomb to be dropped. So as soon as he tells me he was expecting to get a streamliner skeleton for the price we agreed on, I was a little bit shocked because that watch is worth nearly $70,000. I was like, how did you expect to be getting a streamliner skeleton when I offered it to him at 39,000? And then he even negotiated off of that price. So I immediately realized what happened. He only looked at the thumbnail picture of the link that I sent him and didn’t actually click it. So at this point, I’ve already paid out my customer, made the deal with him, invoiced this guy with the proper model number. He must not have looked at the invoice and he gets the watch and all of a sudden we have this problem. You know, this is a very reputable person that I’m dealing with. And we both see what happened. He made a mistake, but I can see how he made the mistake. And now we’re in this sticky situation where he doesn’t feel Comfortable paying the price that he’s supposed to pay for it. Meanwhile, for a very small profit. I already paid my customer out for the watch. Uh, so he told me, like, I’m a man, I see what I did. I’ll pay for the watch if that’s what we have to do, and we can move on. But he asked if I’m willing to partner on the watch with him or come up with some type of creative solution to kind of make this thing work out for everyone. Cause it’s someone I do a lot of business with, and I don’t wanna see him get screwed while I’m making money. This was how we ended up sorting it out. I told him, pay me the full price for the watch and go ahead and try to sell it. If you break even or if you make money, then I’m not gonna give you any discount. But if you get stuck with this watch for a long enough time where you have to sell it and take a loss, then I’ll reduce the price of the watch down to the point where I make no profit. I’m not willing to take a loss in this situation, because at the end of the day, it is his fault. To wrap this whole thing up. It’s kind of a awkward position to be in for everyone, maybe except for my customer, because he sent the watch and got paid out, and he’s Not involved with this. I’m not even telling him what happened. I guess he will see this video and laugh about it later on, but I think I came up with a pretty fair solution for everyone. To be honest, that watch could easily sell for $50,000. He might thank himself in the end for doing this deal anyway. And I don’t know, maybe even someone watching this video is interested in the watch. Because if you ever try to find a Moser tourbillon with a stone dial, you can’t really touch one for anywhere near these prices that I’ve been talking about. That’s pretty much it. If you guys would have handled this a different way, drop a comment below and let me know how you would have handled the situation.