Boss Progress Tracker Guide: Chapter 3 Edition

If you wanna know what bosses you’ve done and haven’t done, you’re gonna press start, of course. Go to journal. Okay. Jaguar chiefs are all side bosses. All the side bosses. Okay, so as you see, I’m in chapter three right now. I’m missing all these bosses right here. Okay? I’m missing all these bosses. I got all the chapter one and I got all the chapter two bosses, though. Okay? The Jaguar Kings are all of the main bosses. Okay? So I’m in chapter 3 right now. If that. If that looks about right, I should. I should have about one boss left of chapter 3. Okay? And I’m gonna assume, based on where I am in the story, it’s gonna be the. The yellows, the yellow, whatever his name is. So that’s how you, uh. That’s how you keep track.