Weekly Meal Planning and Prep: A Guide to Effortless Home Cooking

Every week, I like to meal plan and meal prep. On Fridays, I like to come up with a plan of what I’m going to cook for the next week. Usually I come up with four to five meals. I don’t normally prep dinners, but I just like to know ahead of time where I’m making for dinner. But I do prep breakfast for the week to make it a lot easier on us, especially when I’m not really a morning person. But I do like for everyone to have a nice good breakfast. On Saturdays, I like to get all of my produce and groceries, and then I like to prep the fruit with some baking soda. So for this week’s breakfast, we’re having blueberry oat muffins and we’re also having cottage cheese egg bake. Now, when you make the cottage cheese egg bake, it actually adds more protein and you do not taste the cottage cheese inside the eggs. Muffins are one of my favourite things to make for breakfast because there’s so many different types of muffins to make, and this was actually my first time making these, and I’ll definitely will be making it again. Now, I normally meal prep on Sundays, unless the kids do not have school that Monday, then I would go ahead and meal prep that Monday. And whenever I’m meal prepping, I always have dinner going on in the slow cooker. Now, usually it takes us about two to three hours. To meal prep. But it’s so worth it when the week goes by so smoothly, because on the days that I do not meal prep, it does not go very well. I hope this was helpful. I do this every week, so stay tuned for more meal prep ideas.