Title: Empowering Women to Make Informed Decisions on Protein Intake and Fitness Goals

It’s gonna be a little controversial, but I don’t care if you’re eating over 100 grams of protein. Now, hear me out. Context is needed and I need to have a better understanding of what your goals are. So do I recommend that women focus on building muscle, eating protein in order to support building that muscle? Typically, yes. However, not every woman’s goal is to optimize building muscle. Is it helpful for regulating blood sugar, regulating our appetite? Yes. But there are plenty of women around the world who can be healthy while not focusing so much on optimizing protein intake. Further, not everyone just wants to optimize every single thing about their health. Well, for myself personally, I focus on protein intake and full body resistance training, progressive overload lifting in order to build muscle because it is such a Big Bang for its buck when it comes to the impact it has on my health and helping me regulate my appetite, blood sugar, both muscle and protein.

Does that mean that every woman has to be focusing on the same thing? Not necessarily. If you look at cultures, particularly let’s say the romance cultures in Europe, typically they walk a lot, they don’t overeat, they eat a lot of things in moderation and they often lead very long, healthy lives. So while we can argue all day that this is the most optimal way to do things based on the science, perhaps, but what are you actually going to adhere to? What contributes to your overall feeling of holistic health? And what do you actually care about? What are your personal values? If you’re struggling with constantly overeating and regulating your appetite, you feel like your blood sugars all over the place, you wanna gain muscle mass and you’re sitting here telling me you’re eating 50 grams of protein a day. Yeah, I’m gonna say, let’s get that up. But if you’re feeling good, you’re enjoying your life, you feel well, you’re enjoying going to the gym, doing your thing, and you don’t give about adding a ton of muscle to your frame. You do you.

I care much more about women having informed consent, about the benefits they might be leaving on the table. Understanding the choices that they have available to them, the pros and cons, and then making decisions for themselves. Then they do about telling women this is the optimal way to do things, therefore, you have to do them. We’re all grown as women. We can decide for ourselves.