Protect Your Privacy: How to Stop Your Smart TV from Spying on You

If you have a smart TV, watch this video because your TV is always spying on you and hearing whatever you say. But you have me. Don’t worry, I got you. Turn off the settings and you’ll be good to go. Let’s do this. So this is my Samsung TV. On your TV, go on your settings. Next, go down to general and privacy. Click on terms and privacy. You will go down and select Viewing Information Services. Uncheck the box. Your personal information will not be shared with Samsung anymore. Second, click on interest based advertisement. Uncheck the box like the last one. Your TV will not share your information to third party apps. Finally, click on Online Remote Management. Go ahead and turn it off. And now Samsung cannot connect online remotely on your TV. If you have LG and Visio, screenshot the next screen. Share it with your friends and follow for more. Enjoy!