Digital Marketing Don’ts: A Guide to Avoiding Common Mistakes and Unprofessional Behavior

okay here are some things not to do in digital marketing and are just not it in digital marketing space okay number one is promising your customer something and not following through that number two is sliding into other people’s direct messages and just constantly call messaging them about your new coaching group whatever the heck it is about your new thing okay number three is sliding into other people’s lives and being like hey come by for me instead that’s it’s just it’s like what in the world is going on okay and number three is going to bad mouth other digital marketers and going to hire up people talking about digital marketers like all the things so if any of those um those are just like those are just like big no nos in cold messaging and all the things it’s just icky sleazy it’s all the things so I hope that I hope that helped you out um I hope I didn’t need to share that message to anybody but there you go