The Great Vitamin Debate: Hot or Cold – What’s the Best Way to Drink Your Vitamin A?

Hey guys, me and Keeley need enough for help with this debate that we’ve been having. Before we get into the debate, this is a bottle of vitamin a and they’re having this wonderful summer promotion called Vitalize Your Summer for a chance to win a 65 inch TV or a HP laptop or one of 10 sectional prizes. All you have to do buy a bottle of vitamin A and upload your receipt to the website vitalize your summer, J a. Dot com. All right, now the debate that we’ve been having, I’mma need on a help with is vitamin can be drank with a hot or cold. Me personally think drinking it hot is the best way to go. It just bite and you twist the cap like this. Yeah, and there you go. But Keeley feels that it’s best to put it on the fridge and drink it when it’s cold. You tell me what’s the best way to drink your vitaminart?