Exploring Male Archetypes: Lion, Turtle, Dog, and Wolf – An Examination of Masculine Attractiveness

So you know how there’s four archetypes for a woman? You got fox pretty, you got cat pretty, you got deer pretty, and then you got bunny pretty. What is that equivalent for a man? And what would the adjective be? Because it’s. It probably wouldn’t be based on pretty. So it have to be an animal. And like attractiveness. I’m. I don’t know. Or is fine our only adjective? Like as a dude, it’s like we get the lack luster, the little scraps, the little leftovers. I, yeah, you fine. And that’s it. Like, what else is there for us? I mean, we got eras that we can be a part of. That means something like 90s fine. But like in terms of animals, who would we be equivalent to? For real? For real. Alright, so all that I came up with. I don’t know if these are real. These are ones that I just made up. We got lion, turtle, dog and wolf. If you got some better ones, let me know.