Winter Burrow: A Cozy Survival Adventure in a Whimsical World

I played and loved the demo for Winter Burrow. A cozy survival game that looks like it was taken right out of a storybook. In this cute little game, you play as a mouse returning to your childhood home, and you discover that it’s been abandoned. You have to make it a home again while you find your aunt who is supposed to be caring for the house in your family’s absence. I really enjoyed playing this. It was so cute, and it has a really approachable style of survival that felt challenging but not too pun. My favorite thing is that you can knit. It is so cute! You make little sweaters and little hats to help keep yourself warm. If you’re someone who’s been wanting to dip your toes into the survival genre while keeping things cozy, this is gonna be a great game for you. I also really loved the aesthetics of this game. Obviously the mouse is so cute, and there was also a lot of other fun little critters to find. Plus the music was gorgeous. The game overall felt really polished. If you want to check out this demo for yourself, it is available now on steam. And as for the full release of the game, the only thing we know is that it is coming in 2025 according to their steam page.