Mastering Airport Customs: How to Skip the Lines for Free with Mobile Passport Control

Picture this. You’re having an amazing vacation. Delicious food, stunning shopping, and seeing the sights. But then disaster strikes upon your return home and you get hit with a two to three hour wait just to get through customs. That’s not how I like to book end my vacations. Fortunately, I have Global Entry, so I’m yelling smell you later. But what if you don’t? What if you don’t have Global Entry, you don’t want to spend $100 to shell out for it, and you don’t have a credit card that would cover the fee? Well, here’s a little loophole. And I’m Vivian Urich, BFF, and I’m gonna teach you how to cut customs for free. Mobile passport control. All you have to do is download the app, fill out some info about your flight and destination, share your personal info, and upload your passport photo. This should take about three minutes. You can do it once you land, and frankly, it’s a way better use of your time than immediately standing up in the aisle anyway. And those three quick minutes could save you a two to three hour long wait in the customs line, all for the low, low cost of zero dollars. Let me know where you’re traveling to next and follow for more ways to better save, spend, and invest your money.