The Good Fight: Three Dog and the Brotherhood of Steel in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Here we have a guy, three dog, who’s not content with mere survival. He was born into and lives in the same post apocalyptic world every other wasteland in the D C. Ruins was born into. He’s not part of any great army. He wasn’t born with an affiliation to any major faction. And yet he still has a personal code of ethics. He’s come up with a world philosophy that he thinks is universal. The good fight. This is Three Dog’s universal morality. He’s not content with the state of the wasteland. He doesn’t believe in business as usual. He believes that there is a way to properly act. Some may say that Three Dog doesn’t truly understand the post apocalypse. 3 Dog is stuck with pre war morality, a pre war morality that doesn’t exist in 2277. And yet Three Dog lives in 2277. He is a product of 2277. And he’s not alone. He has found people that believe the same way he does. His broadcast is popular. One of the reasons it’s popular is because wastelanders of the wasteland can relate to it. They, like 3 dog, are tired of raiders and slavers. They, like 3 dog, just want to live their lives. They, like 3 dog, want to fight the good fight. One of the reasons he is able to do what he does is because an entire faction has decided to defend him. Within the Brotherhood of steel, we find individual people who all Believe the same way 3 dog does, that the violence of super mutants must be resisted. That when raiders steal, murder, or enslave people, they must be destroyed because that behavior is unacceptable. Unacceptable even in a post apocalyptic world. When I defend the morally good choices in these games, or when I do a video on why I believe the Minutemen are the strongest faction, I often get pushback from viewers who will say things like, oxhorn, you would never survive the apocalypse. Oxhorn, your mentality is outdated. Morality doesn’t exist. It’s all about survival, and people are expendable when it comes to your own survival. So I wanted to point out this story where we find a man and an entire faction who live in the same post apocalyptic world, but still fight the good fight.