my gorgeous client built her dream body for her wedding in six months and she’s one of those people who came to me telling me that she was already working out she was already aware of her nutrition and it’s true she did eat pretty healthy but she was just kind of stuck not being able to get leaner seeing more muscle definition No.1 is we simplified the heck out of her workout routine it was already working out but she was doing circuits classes all these different things that didn’t optimize building muscle especially after you’ve done them for a couple months to a couple years the muscle building results really really slow down if not stop completely so we simplified to four workouts per week she had two lower body two upper bodies and then she still had room within her week to go on hikes to do spinning yoga other things that she love to add into her routine next up we simplified her nutrition she knew she had to eat high protein but someday she was doing it someday she reverted back to her old habits we found recipes snacks things that she could put together easily cause I also mentioned she was a doctor in residency so busy is an understatement and of course we had to apply the 80 20 because she was a fiance she had date nights on the weekend she like to go out with her friends she’s young of course that cohesive plan is exactly what I’m teaching right now step by step in my 10 week Recon Blueprint program where I guide you weekly through calls check ins videos modules all the good stuff so you know exactly why you’re doing things how to apply them and how to stick to them for long enough that you can get the results that you want