Frantic Search for Phone: Tales of Misplacement and Mix-Ups

Find my iPhone told me while I was driving. Hey, stupid, you left your phone behind. And this made my heart drop cause as soon as I see this, I know it’s already gone. I’m like, looking around, my car almost causing accidents behind me. The car behind me definitely just, like, flipped over. I’ll be called to court soon, I’m sure. I got a plane to catch, so I’m like, rooting through my suitcase too, until I realize I’m on my phone. I got all mad, overreacted, turned off notifications, and then I got to the airport and realized that it was my burner phone. So I’m not getting that back. You know, I’m partly to blame here, but this should probably be more specific. IPhone 163 left behind. Just say 14. It makes it so much easier for both of us.