Generations in the Kitchen: Making Memories with Mom & Gluten-Free Apple Crisp

today I’m cooking with my mom in my childhood home and we’re making apple crisp I went back home to Eugene Oregon over the weekend to visit my family and my mom and I got to cook together which is truly my favorite thing to do when I come home my memories of cooking with her growing up are some of my favorite childhood memories I always loved being in the kitchen and acting as her little sous chef she was really good at delegating these small jobs even from a young age that made me feel helpful and important in the kitchen even though I was probably just making a mess my love of cooking stemmed from those intimate moments with her and I cannot wait to cook with kids someday this was the best apple crisp I’ve ever had and we decided before serving it to my dad that we weren’t gonna tell him that it’s gluten dairy free because he’s not always on board with me wanting to modify things but he raved about this you’re gonna love it cheers