The Downsides of Apple Vision Pros: A Rant

Here are three things that I hate about the Apple Vision Pros. Number one, every time I go to use this, it’s literally dead. And the reason why that happens is because whenever it’s connected when you’re not using it, it’s just the battery on this portable battery bank. So you have to disconnect it every single time you’re not using it if you don’t want it to die. So stupid. Number two the App Store. There is no app that you can use on this to make it make sense. I mean, if you’re connecting it to your laptop or you’re watching a 3D movie, then I guess it’s useful, but in reality this is not useful at all unless if you’re trying to make a weird Facetime call to a friend. And No. 3 the price. This right here is literally a glorified $4,000 ski goggles. Like why did I even buy this? Subscribe if you would buy these.