Debate: Should You Store Eggs in the Fridge or Leave Them Out?

Hello, guys. Right today we’re talking about should you keep eggs in the fridge or should we leave them out? Now, I think loads of people like this conversation cuz it’s just a thing to talk about, really. I think we all can find the answer to this.

You just go on the internet and look it up. It’s there on the internet. So basically, I’m just gonna be regurgitating what that says on the internet. I’m also gonna add my own sort of bit on the end. Okay, now, basically what the internet says is that in America, you freeze, you put you put them in the fridge.

Not the fridge, not the fridge, you put them in the fridge because that what happen. This is the hen fingers. Hen lays the eggs, but then their wash. Okay, they’re washed in. I’m not sure what it is, what they’re washed in, but it’s probably some sort of thing to stop him, to stop at, oh, to stop Sam Alella.

So there was that like if I was to ask someone here, they would just say chlorine or something. But it is something like something, it’s might be washed in sort of chlorine, might be water. I don’t know. But anyway, they wash, well, washed in the chemical. And, but, but there’s, there, but there’s things, or the eggs called pounty Q tips or something and that is washed off the eggs.

Okay. So you then and and put them in the freezer and then you shut the door. Now, this thing about opening the door, yeah, I don’t think it’s really the relevant. It depends how many times you open, close the door. We only do it once.

So I don’t think that’s really as relevant to people say is. But the problem with that is it’s changing temperature. And apparently because it’s got rid of the Q Q tips or whatever, that protects the egg. And because that detects the egg, it means when it comes out to room temperature, it starts to create samolera over a long period of time.

You can lead, I’m not sure how many weeks you can leave it out for. We can leave it out so many weeks in it and eventually it will get Samuela. Here in the UK, we don’t have that problem. You can leave the eggs out because we vaccinate the chicken so they don’t get similar area.

So if they don’t have a salmonella, they’re poo, don’t have salmonella. That’s the advertising. Get it, give it out of the chicken or you can get out of there and their deposits as my daddies decide. So that means you don’t. I, if there’s charge of similarity is not there, you don’t have to wash it. And if you don’t have to wash it, it doesn’t have to go in the fridge because the Q tips to protect the eggs are still there. Because he asked again the freezer to stop the egg from getting Samanella.

Now, obviously, what I’m saying is assuming that they have got salmonella in them, because we don’t know if they got salmonella or not. I don’t think we really know. So that’s why the expectation that they’ve all could have salmon element. But then you could say that how do we know the British one hasn’t got sound?

Unless you’re an ancy vaxer, most vaccinations do work and mostly antivexes go on about some humans all the time. They go about animals and stuff like that. Do their vaccinations work? And have they ever got salmon and Ella from an egg?

But name anyway, so that’s what that’s so that’s what it’s basically about. You can get go on internet looking more debt. There’s a video on YouTube. I’ll just regurgitate in that. So the reason why there’s this is big debate here in the UK is because in the UK we have something called American Fridges.

Okay, but they’re American fridges and there’s a reason why they’re called American fridges because they’re American, like they’re really tall to the. And that’s why sometimes they have an egg rack is because they’re designed in the style of American fridge. And that is all, all, all the, all of us about American fridge is in these fridges. Even I’ve been sold in the UK. So they will have the egg thing now.

Some people say the door versus in the fridge. Now I don’t think that makes decision to, it doesn’t make a huge difference. And people make so say, oh, but the temperature keeps changing. I do get that. But come on, it’s only for a few seconds. That’s not a big deal.

That’s why I still put it in the door. There’s no. I think, I think that angle. I think the people will make the fridges think. Or all, they will eat all there is evidence to prove that over the door for a few seconds can do anything to the eggs, obviously, that you want to keep the eggs in a place where it’s one temperature all the time, and it sort of makes sense.

But I think this is, what’s it called? Search system. So evidence, I’m not sure if that’s the word, right word, you know, when people sort of do it by what they see and stuff like that, I think that is based on that. Okay. I don’t think there’s actually any evidence that open the door for a few seconds and shouting it again, guide them, changes the temperature of the eggs that makes them get salmonella. I mean, it’s only a few seconds to get salmonella.

It’s gotta be left out for quite a long time. So if you leave American eggs out long enough to equal British eggs, you could end up getting salmonella in. Salmonella. Now, I don’t know. And enough about eggs.

I don’t know if you left the milk and eggs out, if there’s a risk of getting salmonella or you will get salmonella. I don’t know. Okay, so really it’s best to follow the rules. If it says refrigerate them. If it’s doesn’t say anything, don’t, you don’t have to.

But here in the UK, there is debate because basically there are American fridges here. We have American fridges. And so that’s why the debate exists and because it contradicts the way the p, the UK operate. And it does contradict the way u, the UK operates because we don’t do, we vaccinate the hens. Washing eggs is illegal.

You can’t do that. So you got, you got you. Somebody would say, oh, you got more of a choice here in the UK, Adam. Yes, but I only know what the video, what I did on my research, I haven’t looked into.

Is there any dangers of refrigerating eggs that shouldn’t be refrigerated? Is there any danger to that? I don’t think there is. I haven’t seen any dangers. Anyone talk about that. But there might be changes to that.

So yeah, so that is basically the answer because they wash them, q tips disappear, the egg is unprotected, don’t keep them cold. They can produce salmonella. UK ones, vaccinate the hens. The heads don’t have salmonella. We shouldn’t. Hens mostly don’t. All protected in Sam Header salmonella.

They probably don’t get it in their poo because their Po comes out of them, which is vaccinated. They’re vaccinated. And then the eggs can detect themselves as well. So I think the UK thinks their ways better. And I kind of agree because you don’t have to worry about people putting them in the fridge and.

But can some, but then there’s, you know, can some UK, hames, get salmon and even the vaccinated, who knows? But then they still got the Q tips on. So you can still, even if they were salmonella, they’re still protected, the egg still protected. But then is this if gets more confusing cuz you say, oh, if an egg hot salmonella and then the Q tips protecting the egg, the chilled could be salmonella inside the egg. Bottom, I think, bottom.

I think the UK believes the vaccines work and they probably do work. And never know anyone get salmonel from an egg, but perhaps I have. So yeah, I think I think really, I think that the main differences between the two systems is the consumer. Okay, it detects the consumer. Okay, if you get salmonella from the egg, you complain the company.

Okay, you can blame the company cuz it’s sorry, it’s unacceptable, the salmonella in my egg. Whether the American way, they can decide. You left in f. You didn’t phrase it and and that’s important when it comes to sell by dates and stuff like that. Okay, the life of an egg last this long, it’s bet it’s better if the company deals with the responsibility of making sure that egg is editable rather than the American way, where you have to play a role by having it in the fridge. It’s better if you get salmonella.