Unlocking Social Media Growth: The Power of Personal Branding and Storytelling with Justin Schuman

I promise that if you were to start doing what I’m about to tell you that I just told one of my clients to start doing you would see social media growth and engagement increase nearly immediately I’m Justin Schuman and I consider myself an expert in personal branding storytelling helping you communicate who you are is like my thing so my client reaches out and she was like “I have this thing that I would love to share on Facebook and this is something I would have ordinarily just shared the pictures of and just been like look at this silly crazy thing that happened can I still do that or does it need to be something more?” I said of course you can still do that but here’s how it can be something more that would benefit you and your brand find a takeaway find a moral find a nugget find a lesson inside of this story spoiler alert you can always do this there is always a takeaway the point is not so that you always provide value in your posts because you’re gonna hear everybody say that the point is that you believe you are someone who has something to teach other people even from the most innocuous ordinary normal everyday events because as of right now you don’t think you matter you don’t think people care about your story and you’re not sure you have anything to offer that would change other people you went and you bought avocados from Trader Joe’s that you thought were perfect but you get home when you realize they were overly ripe there is a lesson in there learn how to extract that lesson learn how to find that takeaway and not only will you benefit on social media you will all of a sudden start to realize just how much you have to contribute to the world human is literally In my last name Justin Schuman I would like to help you do that better and bring more of that to social media