Enhancing the Legal Field: Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Law Firms

Give your perspective on the idea that a machine could replace a human attorney. Listen, if AI wants my job. I’m just kidding. Um, I think that they’ll. There’s gonna be vast improvements in the law firms by using artificial intelligence. We’re already using it. Most law firms are. I don’t think it’s ever going to replace a lawyer. I think lawyers are always going to need to supervise the work. But I think research can be faster, writing can be faster, ideas can be faster. You know, some defense lawyers send us hundred page briefs. We can put it in the system and say, summarize this. Show us the law they’re citing. Come up with contrary arguments. Contrary law. And then the lawyers have to put it together and make sure it’s right, make sure it’s accurate, make sure the case law has been overturned. So there’s still going to be a lot of need for lawyers. And it doesn’t worry me one bit. I haven’t talked to a lawyer that it does worry. And I think it’s just going to make our profession better.