Conversations at 30,000 Feet: Sharing Stories and Excitement While Flying

Hi. Oh, my gosh. Hi. It’s so nice to finally sit next to someone who’s so friendly. You know what I was just thinking? People don’t talk to each other anymore these days. Yeah. So where are you headed? Are you excited? Oh, I’m. Oh, my God. I love flying. Don’t you just love flying? I love it. Sitting on the window seat so I can see everything. Do you like window or aisle? I. Oh, my gosh. Have you flown this airline before? They also have the best snacks. They don’t give you these little tiny pretzels anymore. They give you like the, the cookies, you know, the big yummy cookies. Can you believe that? And let me tell you about the time that I got upgrade to first class. Have you got upgrade to first class before? It is amazing up there. You have to try it at least once. The leg room, the food, the service. Oh, my God. It’s just the best. Oh, my God. Landing is the scariest part for me. Did you know most accidents happen during landing? We made it. Hey, are you okay?