Morning Routine: Gym Prep, Workout Gear, and Supplement Haul

Good morning! I went to bed last night at like 8:15. It is currently like 7:30. I got almost 12 hours of sleep. I’m feeling great, but it’s time to go to the gym, so let’s get ready. You might be sitting here thinking, Katie, why are you wearing a Bando sports bra? Doesn’t that defeat purpose? The answer is I see where you’re coming from, but no, it’s pretty locked in there. Sports bras from the Amazon. Shorts are TLF. I kind of like a monochromatic moment. Besides my watch band, I got a new watch band in yesterday from Shein. I would really into, like, switching my watch bands around. It’s kind of fun. Oh, check this out guys! Haha, we’re gonna hit him with that color clip today. Oh I’m gonna wear one of my favorite pump covers ever. This is so old. It’s by Tori V fit if you know. You know. It’s so cute. Says punk rock on the front. On the back it says hard worker in the room. I like wearing it on leg days. Which sadly. Yes, you heard right. That means today is a leg day. I hate leg day. I’ve been getting asked recently what type of shoes I like to wear to the gym. When I know I’m doing a more like weight focus workout, I’ll do with my vans. But if I know I’m doing any type of like hit or cardio, I’ll do my Nike Metcons. The Sport Hydro Jug is so good, guys. I keep it by my bed every night. I like it cause it’s more of a water bottle, but it still has a straw. You know? I got a new order in from bucked up. I’m so excited about it. I finally got to stock all of my drawers. Basically, they have like different pre workouts in them. Since I was traveling so much this summer, I like burnt through all my travel one. So I went and I bought more. And then while I was at it, I bought this new flavor that I’ve never seen. Blue cotton candy. So we’re gonna try it today. Also, my best friend’s been wanting to try please believe for so long, so she doesn’t know this, but I got her like a good starter pack. Vanilla, like every sample flavor you could get. Greens and then collagen. I’m gonna send it to her. She doesn’t have any idea. Hopefully she doesn’t watch this video. Amy, don’t watch this. Feel like it’s gonna be a really bright blue. I’m kind of excited. Okay, actually not as bright as I thought, but still blue. Alright, we need to go to the gym so we can get back in time for church. Let’s go to the gym.