The Unintentionally Unscary Robbery: A Comedic Analysis

we finna talk about why people think I don’t look scary with this on. Y’all should be terrified right now. Don’t shake your head. No, ma’am. Cup. I was reading the comments in the video. They were like, Tony’s believable, but not care. He got. I got a flower. Oh, nigga, don’t worry about that, huh? It’s just a new shirt. See, they said I had kind eyes like, nigga, I’ll kill you. Why would look at Tony? We look the same. It’s just cause Tony don’t blink a lot, man. That means throwing the people off. Ah, it’s hard to breathe. I could. We could never rob. Nobody told. Put the money in the bag. Ah, god! Dang it, Dang it, Dang! They got me. Yeah, I’m done. I’m done. You gotta keep your words short, you know what I’m saying? Give me your goddamn purse. Hand that shit over, man. Give me your icebreakers out. Your purse and them goddamn icebreakers, hand them over now. Hand that shit over. Give me two of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now give me the whole thing. Robbing somebody for mint. Yeah, is wild. That’s the kind of theft I’m talking about. My breath gonna be fresh. Hold on now. Let me try. Let me try. Hold on. Try, try. Round somebody, but not her. Get a. Get a. Get a different victim. Alright, get in there. Take somebody. Shit. Alright, alright. Take somebody’s stuff. Give me some of these fries. Sir, no, no, no. No, sir. No, sir. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Come back in. Get somebody else, man. Come in, somebody else. We’re coming out the alley. Alright, alright. Coming out the alley. Coming out the alley. Get in there. Yeah. Give me these sliders. Give me these sliders. Come on. See, man, she said no. You didn’t even believe it when you walked up and you said it twice. Oh, she was like, give me. Give me these sliders. Give me these sliders. Your body language is off. You can’t repeat yourself on a robbery. No, man. Oh, why? You can’t repeat yourself on a robbery. Why is that? Give me no goddamn champagne.