Marriage and Relationships: A Reflection on Commitment, Sacrifice, and Love

I hate talking about other people’s relationships cause I often think that it isn’t my business. But given the news around Ben Affleck and J. Lo breaking up, and also Molly Mae and Toby, I thought I would talk about the matter. Why? I felt like I could talk about the matter. Well, I have been in a relationship for 15 years, married for 12 since the age of 19. And the one thing I’m gonna tell people about marriage and relationship is that it is bloody hard. Anybody who can actually sustain it and make it happen has really tried their best and I assume, haven’t taken the concept of a breakup lightly. Not only is marriage a legally binding contract, there are many people who believe that it has a spiritual aspect. You are making a commitment in front of god or a spiritual elder, and this is something that you can’t necessarily play with. A lot of people see the glamour of the wedding and picking up the dresses and the gorgeous engagement rings. They think this is the marriage. No, nah, uh, nah, uh. It’s really not what marriage is about. Marriage is about love, it’s about sacrifice, it’s about commitment, it’s about compromise. There is heartache, there is pain, but there’s also joys and highs. Please don’t get carried away by the concepts that you might see on social media. And please note, before you comment on anybody’s relationship situation, ask yourself, would you be Able to give up your life for someone else’s. Because that’s what marriage is all about. Sending love to anybody who is in a marriage that is breaking down. And even if you can celebrate the love for a season, and the memories and the life and the children that you create, that is a blessing.