Title: Embracing Judaism: Understanding Conversion and Welcoming Jews by Choice

Whether you’re considering conversion or you’re a Jew who needs to understand your responsibility towards Jews by choice, this video is for you. I’m Rabbi Josh Franklin. Unlike most religions, Jews don’t proselytize. But we do welcome those who weren’t born Jewish but want to become Jewish. The whole process takes about a year that you can not only study, work with a rabbi, take an intro to Judaism class, but so that you can go a year with Shabbat and a full cycle of Jewish holidays. People convert for many reasons. Some because they’re marrying someone who is Jewish and want to start a Jewish family. Others because they’re attracted to a Jewish life, Jewish philosophy, and Jewish culture. But here’s the thing. Once you convert, you’re not considered a convert. You’re a Jew. And if you were born Jewish, remember that someone who has converted to Judaism is no less Jewish than you. The Talmud reminds us that if someone converts, you cannot deride them for their past, nor can you critique their ancestors. In fact, some of the most active and devout Jews are those who make the conscious and audacious decision to choose a Jewish life. If you’re in the process of converting and you have a little imposter syndrome, it’s okay and it’s natural. If there’s a Jew by choice in your community, make sure not only to nurture their belonging as a Jew, but to see them for the beautifully Jewish, passionate, and dedicated Individuals that they are