Ultimate World Cruise Adventures: Exploring Hahot Tok, Hawaiian Tock Greenland, and the Wonders of Nature

Nils, how do you pronounce the town, please? So it’s called Hahot Tok. Hahot Tok! Hahot Tok. You got us. Hahot Tok! Hahot Tok! I’m probably. I’m probably way off. Day 2 60 of this Ultimate World cruise. Wow! We have made it to the gorgeous Hawaiian talk Greenland. And the thing is I almost stayed on the ship to pack. How pretty is this one? What was I thinking? Good morning! Good morning! Want to go to the age too? My crew sister Brandy called me and said, boy, if you don’t get on off of that ship. I’m so glad I did cause it was so beautiful. And there is our home for the next 14 days. Just two weeks remain on the ultimate world cruise. What are we gonna do? What’s your name, my friend? I’m Anthony. Nice to meet you. Yes! City of the years. To be honest, I really didn’t even know what to expect of this tour. I was only going because my crew sister said come on! And so I did. My crew sister wanted to see whales and guess what? Family. Oh my god. Wait for it. Breach! Yeah! Oh my god! Oh my god! This is made my whole everything. Oh my god! A gorgeous humpback whale right before our eyes. Haha. That was awesome. And now I’m understanding. Literally, we get whales, we get icebergs and we get the Greenlandic ice sheet with these beautiful views. We are also about To get a serious lesson in global warming. Wow. Meals not very far is not what I want to hear. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. What a gorgeous place. I feel like I’m breathing in air that very few people get to breathe in. Simply incredible. This is granite right here, right? Yep. Yeah. Ain’t that something? Yes. Alright. Thank you. The air really is so crisp and clean. I feel like I’m on top of the world. Wow. It’s a totem. Yes. Wow. So underneath is a river. Yeah. Okay. We’ve seen so many great things on this Ultimate World cruise, but this is top five, easily. I mean, it’s just marvelous. It’s mind blowing. A 9% of the freshwater of the world is in catcher. Than this one. That’s crazy. Of the world, y’all. Of the world. And you said there are only two ice caps in the world. That’s right. So we got this one and we got an Artica. So the other ones are called glaciers just because they’re the size, they’re smaller. Right. Okay. So, yeah. Ice one, for example. Yeah. Wow. A little bit of whiskey. Are we toasting? It’s going to till. It’s going to till. Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, I think I’m going to till. Yeah.