Studio Space Renovation: From Mini Sets to Maximum Potential

So I recently moved into a new studio space, which is a lot bigger than my old space. This is how big it is. This is me, for reference. I’m 6 foot 3 inches. And it’s just a really, really big space. Here’s some more footage of it. It’s got high ceilings. It’s 3,000 square feet as a psych wall built in. For comparison, this is my old space, which was about 600 square feet. So you can see it feels very, very cramped. The ceilings are a lot lower. So I said bye. I moved into the new space, and I immediately started taking advantage of that psych wall because that was the main selling point to me. Because I’ve always wanted a psych wall. Now that I have my own, I’m making up excuses to go shoot it. But that’s not the whole story. We’re actually gonna have to rewind a little bit and go back to the day that I came, check out the space, because this is what it looked like. This is the entire other side of the studio space. There’s a bunch of mini sets because the previous tenants were using this as a pier space. And they had a bunch of these mini sets built on the other side of the studio. And I honestly don’t really like this. I don’t like this type of studio because I feel like it’s very limiting, and I wouldn’t personally use it. So I don’t know. That many people that actually would. So when they moved out, they took everything with them, of course, and they left these shells of the, like, old little rooms that I had. And I have just honestly just been letting it sit like this for the last month, because I’ve only been using the psych wall, cause that’s really all what I only use. So I’m gonna start renovating it, because I don’t want this space just to be empty spaces, not being utilized. So this is day one of trying to renovate the space. Basically, I’m just gonna take down two of these walls, because I do like the idea of having multiple sets easily accessible. But I don’t like the size of the sets. These spaces were a little bit too small for anything that I could make use of. So I’m gonna break them down from four rooms into two rooms and have slightly bigger rooms. But we quickly ran into a problem taking these walls down, as they were, like, built by god themselves. They were bolted into the ground, they were nailed. And various places, which are really hard to reach. The nails. So I had to sit there and, you know, hit it with a hammer multiple times. I’m not a carpenter, so I don’t really know anything about carpentry or working with wood. So I just hit it with a hammer. And so I could actually, like, slide the nail thing into there. And yank it out. And after we un nailed the entire wall, it was still not coming up. So I think it was because it was too heavy to lift up with all the stuff that was attached to it. Uh, we eventually got it off, but my camera wasn’t recording, so I actually didn’t get that footage. And after the first wall was taken down, we kind of gave up on trying to, like, keep it in one piece and just yanked it apart. And get a little frustrated, because this wall was built even worse than the last wall. So I honestly just started hitting it as much as I could so we could break it. And we were just brute forcing it. The idea was to keep the walls intact so we wouldn’t have to rebuild them. And then we just throw them on wheels. But we will have to rebuild one of the walls, unfortunately. After we took the walls out, there’s a ton of debris. So we started vacuuming up and cleaning. And I accidentally tripped the power, because the power in this unit is a little wonky. But, yeah, that was day one of trying to renovate the studio space. You can see the rooms are much bigger, A lot more usable space for me to actually make sets with. stay tuned to see what I turn these rooms into. And if you have any ideas for the type of sets I Should build. You should let me know in the comments and I might do it.