Rebel Graphic Designer: A Day in the Life of Jake with Breakfast, Photoshoots, and Cheer Practice

hey everyone my name is Jake I’m a graphic designer rebel and I wanna take you through a day in my life before I leave I have to say goodbye to my best boy Romeo that I’m on my way to go get the breakfast of champions which today consists of not one but two C fours some states unhealthy but between practice and the photoshoot I have to make sure I’m ready to go today so I get some donuts to fill my belly and then we are on our way to the actual shoot once everyone’s here we’ll be doing hair and makeup on all the talent before we begin the actual sheet my job is mostly behind the computer making selects for the images and giving enough direction to our wonderful photographer Jeremy to be able to give the shot also involves giving direction to the talent be able to make sure they can hit their Mark in the best way possible sometimes I even have to step in and show these girls how it’s done after Jamie calls a wrap we finish sitting up it is time for me to head over to cheer athletics for practice I’m in our brand new practice where we got our world dice elimination always looks so good and it’s always so lightweight and breathable it makes going to practice in absolute breeze today I’m also wearing the brand new Rebel Rose these shoes were absolutely incredible I didn’t need a new pair of shoes the extra ankle support definitely helps you when I’m tumbling especially when I end up doing these longer bounding pass and made getting through practice today completely pain free and that concludes an average day in my life thank you all so much for coming along with me and I will see you next time